A gin and tonic, or even a simple gin and soda, has always been one of my favorite drinks when relaxing at home. It's sweet yet simple to make and the ingredients are always on hand. The Wall Street Journal's "Building a Better G&T" by Kevin Sintumuang replaces simplicity with quality. While highlighting high-end gins that I look forward to tasting, I was more interested in the tonics. A gin and tonic that's not clear? Apparently the proper connoisseur buys small-batch tonic syrup to take control of the flavor. Adding one ounce to soda water, you decide which natural flavors perfect your drink and adjust intensity to taste. I'm told a gin and tonic is hardly masculine but natural brown coloring might help its image problem.
This isn't the only article by Kevin Sintumuang that will help you upgrade your bar. Sintumuang is also a contributor at GQ and writes many articles specializing in beer ("Oktoberfest, USA") and cocktails ("The 25 Best Cocktail Bars in America"). Check out the latter article for great suggestions in SF or simply Google his name to find more great advice.
[caption id="attachment_3088" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Leopold's Gin | 80 Proof | $40"]
[caption id="attachment_3089" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Jack Rudy Cocktail Co. Tonic | Photo by oliviaraejames"]
Jack Rudy Cocktail Co. Tonic photo by oliviaraejames
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